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Inequality and Injustice


Inequality and Injustice


Katelyn Reavis, Bridget Coverick, McLaren Cundiff, & Kayla Ticen


The purpose of this project is to understand inequality and injustice through the lens of educational systems, and more specifically through education reform. We will compare a case study of a school that is in the Teach for America program, as well as educational reform in Finland. By looking at the successes, pitfalls, and struggles these schools face we are able to examine educational inequity in relation to poor allocation of resources from state and national levels. We are also going to focus on LGBT interests, as well as binary gender divisions within schools in the United States. This research necessitates an interdisciplinary approach as it relies on sociological, economic, political and anthropological approaches to best understand these communities and how we can find solutions to these inequalities.


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